Trace is an architectural visualization and design firm based in Kansas City, with the ability to provide global work. It was founded in 2019 under the brand ‘MOrenders’, and rebranded in 2022 with a change in location and reach. What started as a humble hobby has blossomed into a booming business, reaching 22 states + Washington DC so far, with many more on the horizon. Custom residential projects are the ‘bread and butter’ of Trace; however, commercial projects, city planning, neighborhood planning, and historical visualization are all within reach. 


Architectural visualization or arch-viz is the practice of graphically presenting architecture. Trace specializes in producing high-quality, detail-oriented 3D renderings for architects, designers, realtors, homeowners, contractors, and more. These renderings can be used for design development, property pre-sale, marketing, artistic presentation, or even historical imagery. Architectural visualization through Trace allows you to experience the unbuilt world, whether past or future. A sense of space can be hard to convey through 2D construction/concept drawings, but everyone can read a picture. Arch-viz is the translator for design ideas.


My name is Jordan Smith, and I founded this company from my tiny apartment in northern Kansas City. 3D rendering and modeling was a self-taught skill that I dove into out of passion and interest. At the start, I was producing images simply as an art, similar to sketching or painting. Once I graduated college and entered into the field of architecture, I quickly realized the heavy need for skilled 3D artists. I answered by creating my own business. I have a Master’s Degree in architecture and work full time at a design firm that focuses primarily on custom residential architecture. Trace is my side project, providing an outlet for creative expression, challenging my skills, and growing my professional experience, network, and portfolio.


    Renderings and design are my product, but the people who experience and utilize them are the focus. As cliche as this sounds, this is very much a ‘people business’. Without people, what is there to gain through imagery and creation of space? I enjoy hearing every story, vision, and criticism attached to my work. 

You can reach me via the contact form in the top-right, or by visiting my social media pages below. I respond to all emails, calls, texts, and social media messages as soon as I can. If you choose to work with Trace, you’ll receive a truly open method of contact. I do not have set hours of operation.